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Privacy Policy

HARADA INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") takes all possible measures to protect personal information including customer's name, birth date, address, phone number, e-mail address and contents of inquiry by complying with the Privacy Policy set forth below.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

When collecting personal information from customers through this website, the Company shall explicitly state its purpose beforehand and collect the information within the scope necessary.
In the event that the customer does not wish to provide personal information, the customer may decline such provisions in his or her sole discretion. However, in this case, the customer may not have access to certain services in this website.

2. Handling of Personal Information

(1) Intended use

Any personal information provided by the customer shall be used for the purposes within the scope set forth below. In the event that it is necessary to use customer's personal information for other purposes, the Company shall notify the customer beforehand about the purpose of use.

  • - To arrange business meetings with customers concerning products
  • - To reply to various inquiries
  • - To perform services, transactions and contracts in an efficient manner
  • - To analyze the information for the purpose of upgrading quality management or developing new products
  • - To provide personal information to the Company's group companies in the event that business is carried out in collaboration with group companies

(2) Provision of personal information to third parties

In principle, the Group shall not disclose or provide to third parties the personal information obtained from customers through this website other than for the purposes set forth in (1). However, the Company may provide customer's personal information as an exception if the conditions set forth below apply and it is rationally determined that disclosure is necessary.

When the specific purpose is indicated in this website, such purposes shall be prioritized.

  • - When the customer himself or herself has consented to the disclosure beforehand
  • - When it is deemed necessary to disclose the information to the Company's group companies in order to reply to a customer's inquiry
  • - When the customer has infringed the Terms of Use of this website and it is deemed necessary to disclose the information in order to protect the rights, properties or services etc. of the Group or Group employees.
  • - When disclosure of personal information is requested according to laws or regulations
  • - When it is necessary to disclose information immediately to protect human life, human health or property
  • - When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or a party subcontracted by such organizations to perform acts regulated by laws or regulations, and when obtaining the consent of the customer in question may adversely affect such acts
  • - When it is necessary to respond to a public institution's request to the Group or to persons managing this website

3. Security Measures

In order to prevent unauthorized access, loss, leakage of modification or personal information, the Company shall comply with related laws, regulations and guidelines, and set appropriate security measures to strictly manage personal information.

The Company shall carry out training regarding protection of personal information for employees that handle personal information.

In order to ensure security in using this website, the Company shall use encrypted communication (SSL* or an equivalent encryption method) when obtaining personal information from customers through the website.

*SSL: Secure Sockets Layer

4. Disclosure and Amendments of Personal Information

In the event that a customer requests disclosure, amendments, addition, or deletion of his or her personal information, or termination of its provision to third parties, the Company shall confirm the identity of the individual making the request and fulfill the request unless otherwise determined that there is a rational reason for not fulfilling the request.

Please contact us by selecting "Japan headquarters" from the Inquiry Form. In this case, note that a handling fee may be charged for this procedure.

5. Legal Compliance

The Company shall comply with laws, regulations, official notices and guidelines applicable to personal information, and revise and enhance the Privacy Policy on an ongoing basis.